Welcome to my coffee shop in the cyber neighborhood!

The Chronicles of Nani On Video

I am overcoming my inability to type with my ability to talk (and talk and talk and talk) I'll be posting a video every week on my YouTube channel. I'll be posting those videos here too along with an occasional regular blog in the mix. (As long as my hands are up to doing the extra typing.)

You'll be able to watch the videos here, but I encourage you to stop by my channel at YouTube once I'm up and running to follow me and get my numbers started!

Welcome to my coffee shop in Cyber Space
Try the latte with a slice of black forest cake!

Contact Nani at

Monday, September 8, 2008

Add-on for Letters From Home

Boy, keeping up with everything in my world right now is kinda hectic! I job hunt during the day, taking breaks like I wold during a regular workday, but even an hour lunch isn’t enough time to do any serious designing. So, I design and scrap by night and on the weekends. It’s just organizing everything right now so I can competently keep up!

I’ve been getting nice comments on “Letters From Home” at SAS. I don’t know if those comments will translate into votes, but I’m hopeful. I’d really like to make it to the next round, but there really are some talented people in this competition! I like the challenges!

I am encouraging everyone who is a member at SAS to vote. If you are a scrapper and not a member of Stone Accents Studio, I encourage you to join! They have great designers there, and I’m not just saying that because Darlene sells her wares there, she is a great example of SAS’s quality! Several designers’ blogs in the margin of The Chronicles are SAS designers! THe other thing that is wonderful at SAS is the challenges. They have great challenges and the more you do, the more mega your posting bonus kit is. Most of the challenge prizes are created from one swatch and theme for a team mega kit. What an awesome concept, huh?

Voting has officially started and ENDS on the 11th. I was so worried about the deadline for getting my kit in that I mistook the end of voting for the beginning! Glad I got that straightened out! You can vote for as many designers as you like, but you can only vote one once. Of course, whether you are a member or thinking about joining, if you like what you see in “Letters From Home,” I humbly ask for your support by selecting me as one of your choices in the competition!

Here is the add-on for “Letters From Home.” I wanted to get this out to everyone before the next level of the competition starts! It’s just a few extra pieces for the kit. Included are 1 paper that I was pretty pleased with, a title postmark, a child art doodle, a frame and son and daughter stamps to go with the Mommy/Daddy and Husband/Wife stamps in the kit.

Sorry, this link is expired.

Whether Digitalegacies goes on to level 2 in the competition or not, I’ll keep designing. I hope you find good use for “Letters From Home” in your layouts!

Don’t forget to get your copy of Letters From Home at Stone Accents Studio! (And vote for Digitalegacies Designs, my user name is Nani)


Luisa said...

Great Freebie!! Thanks os much for sharing!!

Maria said...
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LiviaY said...

Hi Nani!!!
Your kit is looking GREAT and I love the add-on! Thanks!

I also really like your pic on the sidebar... you're so cute!!!

Good Luck with the competition... I'm off to vote now! ;)


Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyway that I could get this kit? I am trying to put together a scrapbook for my husband before he deploys again with pictures of our 3 baby boys (we have a 19 month old and 6 month old twins) and would also like to make one for my boys so they have pictures of "Daddy" to look at while he is gone. This kit would be perfect but I can't find a download link anywhere. I went to SAS but there wasn't a link there either. Thanks, I can be reached at cmesserer@excite.com Again, thank you.

Nani said...

Christina, I'm honored that you want to use "Letters From Home" for boooks for your husband and sons! I sent you an email!

For anyone else,the full kits that I entered in the SAS contest are at the bottom of this post:
"Stuff,Lots of Stuff"