Welcome to my coffee shop in the cyber neighborhood!

The Chronicles of Nani On Video

I am overcoming my inability to type with my ability to talk (and talk and talk and talk) I'll be posting a video every week on my YouTube channel. I'll be posting those videos here too along with an occasional regular blog in the mix. (As long as my hands are up to doing the extra typing.)

You'll be able to watch the videos here, but I encourage you to stop by my channel at YouTube once I'm up and running to follow me and get my numbers started!

Welcome to my coffee shop in Cyber Space
Try the latte with a slice of black forest cake!

Contact Nani at

Sunday, April 27, 2008

De, Boy and Girl-LICIOUS!

The delicious part of this blog is NACHO MOUNTAIN!

(Sorry no individual mountain pics -
we were to busy enjoying to remember to photograph!)

The concept is that yo have the center bowl of chips, the main mountain, and the surrounding foothills of cheese, sauces and yummy stuff that goes on the mountain. Then everyone creates his or her own personal mountain. Tori’s mountain is especially beefy and cheesy, Rina’s is vegetarian and Nana’s is almost a salad!

As promised yesterday, here is the recipe for Nacho Mountain!

Nacho Mountain

1 large bag baked tortilla chips
1 jar prepared cheese dip (Nacho's Cheese)
1 16 oz bag shredded cheddar or Mexican blend cheese
1 lb of prepared taco meat
(1 lb ground beef or turkey browned with a taco seasoning packet)
I 15 oz can fat free refried beans
I jar salsa (Mild to hot depending on taste)
Chopped tomatoes, green onions, bell pepper
shredded lettuce
sliced black olives
Sour cream

Put the tortilla chips in a large bowl in the center of a Lazy Susan to form the main part of the community mountain. (Can be just placed in the middle of the table if a Lazy Susan isn't available) Place the other ingredients in small bowls around the mountain to create the "foothills"

Each person places chips on their own plate or bowl, and builds their personal mountains from the assorted condiments.

Serves 4-6

Boylicious and Girlicious -

Boylicious and Girlicious are Darlene Haughin's latest kits. I am lucky that the Creative Teams I’m on are for designers who’s kits I used before I was a CT member anyway, so I’m using kits that fit my style. I’m always pleased with the results of my CT layouts!

Girlicious was so much fun! I have nieces, I’m a girl and I come from a long line on Mom’s side of only-child girls, so I have a lot of stuff, current and heritage to scrap for girls and this kit is great for both!

Mom Becomes A Teenager

Kit Girlicious by Darlene Haughin at stoneaccentsstudio.com
Fonts - Gadget, Gramond, Janet, Marker Felt

Boylicious is as perfect for boys (or tomboys) as Girlicious is for girls! I took a little bit of my own tomboy with the very male competitiveness that comes with rooting on separate side of a game with your boyfriend for this one, with a little element manipulation to turn “Play Tough” into “Play Ball!”

The More Things Change...

Kit - Boylicious by Darlene Haughin at stoneaccentsstudio.com
font - Britanic Gold

Check out these kits at Darlene's stores!


And now, the In Only Seven Days finale -

I hope you’ve gotten all parts to this kit and that you enjoy it if you have! As always I like seeing the numbers go up in the downloads, but I’d LOVE to see you layout using my kits and show them off at The Chronicles of Nani! Send your layouts to chroniclesofnani@gmail.com. I look forward to seeing them!

(sorry, link is expired)


Anonymous said...

Just passin' thru on the DSO blog train....Love your LO's they are great! Thanks for the recipe for Nacho Mountain, we also have something similar, just never called it that, cute name for it. :) Thanks also for sharing your talent with the lovely freebie. Have a great week!

Kim B said...

OOOh I'm liking that mountain-LOL
Sounds like something that would go down well in this house! FUN!!!
Thanks for sharing it with us-
Love the LO's too
tooting through

Anonymous said...

yummy I just love Mexican food and your Nachos Mountain recipe is a winner with me. Will try it out next time we have Nachos


Anonymous said...

So this is blogspot ala google...

I think but dont know if this forum is much like yahoo or not? But I know your an expert in the field, So I will give you the benefit of the doubt.