Welcome to my coffee shop in the cyber neighborhood!

The Chronicles of Nani On Video

I am overcoming my inability to type with my ability to talk (and talk and talk and talk) I'll be posting a video every week on my YouTube channel. I'll be posting those videos here too along with an occasional regular blog in the mix. (As long as my hands are up to doing the extra typing.)

You'll be able to watch the videos here, but I encourage you to stop by my channel at YouTube once I'm up and running to follow me and get my numbers started!

Welcome to my coffee shop in Cyber Space
Try the latte with a slice of black forest cake!

Contact Nani at

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Where I’ve Been

It’s been a rough year. It's still a rough year. I'm sorry if I've worried my cyber friends but I've been processing a lot IRL. IRL, in real life. My blog is mostly an extension of that"real life,” except the doctors don't read my blog and the cats can type. As you know, if you're a regular reader of this blog, we lost our Kaline to kidney failure at the end of July, just before her 12th birthday. Today Carla, who we adopted at just over a year old from the shelter a month before our first wedding anniversary, is in surgery. David had discovered a mass on her underside and when she went to the vet last week she was diagnosed with cancer. Blood work and x-rays showed it to be a rather large mass but it wasn't in any major organs which increased the possibility of surgery being successful. I pray that she’s strong enough to handle the anesthesia and recovery.

Two of our three cats very sick in one year is devastating. We don't have kids, we have cats. They're the soul of our house, what makes it home. They are my comfort and company when I'm home alone. In this year I needed that comforting company. Please send a prayer and good thoughts for strength for Carla today.

In April testing, my liver levels had gotten very high. That's a possibility with the medication that I was taking for MS so I was taken off that medication. The plan was when my liver levels came down we would choose a new MS medication for me. But normally after one is taken off Gilenya, in 2 or 3 months the levels come down. but with me that didn't happen. The liver levels stayed up and other things went weird. I began to gain a lots of weight in a short period time after I'd already been progressively gaining while staying true to my diet. My doctor said with the way that I eat, even not be able to move a lot, I should be losing, not gaining. She had ultrasounds of the liver and gallbladder and then I had blood work done.

I have gallstones! Yay, something new! I also had an increase in my hypothyroidism and glucose. For the first time ever in my life my glucose level is over normal and I can be considered diabetic. She increased my thyroid medicine we were going to see if bringing that level down would give some weight loss and bring the glucose down. She also sent me to a surgeon to see you about having the gallbladder removed. My inability to move and MS would make the pain and other symptoms of the gallstones considerably worse and the gallbladder is not an essential organ. My fear of surgery diminished considerably when in conversation with friends I realized how many people I've known for years have been living without a gallbladder.

The gallbladder surgeon, who was the complete and total jerk and someone I wouldn't let cut into me anyway, determined I didn't show enough symptoms to warrant gallbladder removal. He sent me back to my doctor with his suggestion to refer me to a GI specialist and a gallbladder MRI. Oh joy, oh fun, MORE MRIs! Like I said, processing a lot.

Last week was semi annual Cleveland Clinic day. At this point I've had no MS medicine since April. That's mostly evident in the loss of feeling and control in both of my hands and arms. This only adds to the diminished blogging! I can do stuff in Photoshop for scrapping but I tend to do pages that don't have a lot of journaling. Even speech to text requires going back in and fixing words that aren't quite heard correctly by the computer. And I get tired a lot faster from doing everyday things.

So this year I've been dealing with my hands and arms feeling more useless and increased fatigue from MS, a mysterious gallbladder, the psychology of unexplained weight gain, controllable but uncomfortable reactions to my thyroid medicine, major money problems, the loss of the cat who was "mommy's girl,” and the sweet and affectionate girl we call "the good one” is in surgery as I type. It's been a rough year.

**I'll be reading and catching up this afternon and tomorrow. Look for me in comments!


LV said...

In your case, sounds like when it rains it pours. Sorry you are having so much turmoil in your life now. Trust tings take a turn for the better soon.

Edna B said...

Oh Nani girl, I am so sorry that things are going so badly. I'll pray that Carla comes through everything in fine shape. I know I would be lost without cuddles and kisses from my Pogo.

I am learning to have little respect for some of today's doctors who don't know very much about what needs treating. I often wonder how they ever got to where they are today. Medicine and insurance are just not the same anymore.

I've been wondering how you've been and missing that beautiful smile of yours. Yes, it's easy to see your smile while reading your words. I'm praying for you Nani.

Today I'm wishing you a good day. Hugs, Edna B.

seamhead gypsy said...

First, I miss your posts. But with what you have to do to post them, I understand. It's not about me anyway.

Secondly, with everything you've been through and continue to go through, plus on top of the turmoil all around us, I've questioned my faith. Not a big surprise as it wasn't real strong to begin with.

Third, I can't pretend to how you feel when it comes to your health. It's been a challenging year for me (as I turned 60) health-wise, but my issues pale in comparison to what you are handling, so I won't go into it here. But... I do know what it is like to lose a pet/member of your family. In mid September we expanded our family from two rabbits (Sophie & Stanley) to four rabbits by adding Grace & George II. Eleven days in with all 4, George II became ill and died on the way to the vet. Four days after that (on our 1 year anniversary of us getting them) Sophie got sick. I took her to the vet and she died less than a day later. Kathy was with me in the car with George II, but she was out of town at a conference when Sophie got sick. I / we never shed so many tears over losing a pet in our lives.

I am so sorry Kaline crossed over to the rainbow bridge. And despite my comment from number two above, of course I'll say a prayer for Carla.

Much love and many hugs...... rob. ... give my best to David please.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so sorry about your cats. ((Hugs)) I can't believe all that you have been through. Praying that a solution can be found to help you. With my severe COPD and A-Fib I don't get a lot of exercise either. All I can do is eat a healthy diet. Since my dad fell back in January the whole year has been horrible. However there was an engagement and wedding which are the two best things in my year. Let's hope that 2018 brings us peace and good health. Keeping you in my thoughts.